Small Quare Gral. San Martìn

Small Quare Gral. San Martìn

Monument dedicated to Daniel Videla Dorna located in 1962.
He was a National Deputy in 1934 and Minister of Culture of the Province of Buenos Aires in 1937. On his initiative, it was established as the Day of the Argentine Flag on June 20 (1938).
He was Mayor of San Miguel del Monte in the periods 1914, 1934-1939 and 1942. He had the Municipal Palace built, the gates of the lagoon and commissioned the realization of the local shield.


It is located between Eva Perón streets, San Martín Avenue and Petracchi. At first this crossing of streets ended up generating an empty triangular space, which would be configured in a small square allowing traffic to be ordered.

Here is located the monument to Daniel Videla Dorna (1888-1971)

Argentinian conservative national politician and landowner.

He was born into a wealthy family that owns large areas of land in the Monte district.

During his adolescence he became passionate about tango, standing out as a dancer. Together with Vicente Madero and Ricardo Güiraldes he participated in various evenings in Paris that served to popularize this musical genre in France. He was also a member and leader of the Sociedad Sportiva Argentina, an institution that served as a model in the organization of the first sports clubs in the country.

He was a member of the Conservative Party of Buenos Aires and candidate for Mayor in the San Miguel del Monte party, being elected and serving between 1914 and 1918.

In 1926, he was a participant in the famous shooting in the Plaza Adolfo Alsina.

In 1934 he was elected National Deputy for the National Democratic Party. Linked to Manuel Fresco, he was one of the advisers in his successful campaign for governor of Buenos Aires, which was crowned with the historic “March of Victory” of October 1935.

Being part of the Argentine Youth Committee, he promoted the cult of national symbols, especially the national flag. He presented a bill to declare June 20 as the «National Flag Day», choosing that date to also commemorate the death of Manuel Belgrano.

In 1942 he denounced corruption in the granting of public service administration concessions to private companies of foreign origin. Due to this, he ended his participation as a national deputy. After his departure from the National Congress, he returned to San Miguel del Monte, where he was again elected Mayor until 1948.

He passed away in late 1971.