( Romance in scarlet red)
Like a ball of fire the sun dies at sunset bleeding like a mysterious excessive ghost. The military prepare red thesuit, red thetie flamingontheirspears gettingreadyslowly
Christmas Eve at thelagoon sixteensoldiersleave insidethe Fort anothernine with Santos Molina at thehelm look at thedarksilhouette fromtheisland, there, waiting, as blackomens theirsouls are stalking.
Thesavagesalreadythrowthemselves with red faces howling in fierce pack overtheweary Fort for so manyburningsuns in thathotsummer thatburned in cruel lust of thesoldiers, thespirits.
Thebarbarianknows he has in thelagoonanally: isthe red Güecubú of thedevil, worthyenvoy overthewaters he rules and in hiswickedreign has agreedwithDeath cunning and deviouspact.
Butthemilitiamanknows of thecoloredsuits thatthereis a verybraveangel amongthefells, watching … isthearchangel Michael, whotheCreator has sent to kickouttheGüecubú foreveronthesesides.
Dawnmeets insidethe Fort, lying … in red bloodbath thebodies of thesoldiers. And theStar of Bethlehem with Saint Michael bythehand, theywrotethelegend representingthesepayments:
«Thesoldierswhocameout throughthedesert, searching to the wild, itisnotknown whatDestinationstheyfound … In the place therewasonly a big red poncho and when lifting itbloody daisies … burst.
Cristina Vazconcelo de Moscoloni
This is the legend synthesized in poetry (or reworked) of what happened in the Guardia del Monte, back in 1778, when it is assumed that a villain came mysteriously, made a massacre with the soldiers who remained in the fort, Christmas was left dyed red with the blood of this army. Let us remember that the current city of San Miguel del Monte, was in those times, the end of the line of forts. For this reason, most of the soldiers under the command of Ensign Santos Molina were out in the footsteps of the savages. They say that a very powerful light was raised on an island, in the middle of a hill of felling trees: it was Saint Michael the Archangel who cast the Güecubu (demon of the lagoon) forever from the site of Monte. The author states that she took some literary freedoms.