Category: Cultura

Bienes de Valor patrimonial en la web de la Comisión de Patrimonio del Colegio de Arquitectos

The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.

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Puesta en Valor de Tumbas irlandesas en el Cementerio Municipal

The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.

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Charla “El Campo Bonaerense” a cargo del Arq. Carlos Moreno

Te invitamos a participar el día 23 de Marzo a las 19:00 hs en el Centro Cultural Enrique Uzal en una charla auspiciada por la Comisión Nacional de Monumentos, de Lugares y de Bienes Historicos que brindará el Arq. Carlos Moreno.

Previamente, a las 16:00 hs se podrá participar de un taller dedicado a docentes de todas las instituciones educativas, como así también a los alumnos de las carreras de Turismo, Historia, Geografía, Maestro Mayor de Obra, ambientado con 60 láminas de su autoría que nos irán ilustrando su alocución.

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Punto de Vista llegó a su fin

The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.

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Concurso Fotográfico: Punto de Vista

The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.

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